
hey friends.

Thanks for so patiently waiting through my unexpected month-long blogging break.

As many of you know, in August I moved across the country to attend university. It's been a big change, and has (and will continue) to stretch me in ways I could never imagine. Things are going well, and I'm so so thankful to be here! Yet as these past months have been full of transition, I've found it hard to muster up enough courage to be vulnerable on the internet.


God is so good! He is filling my heart and mind with so many things, and I still believe that being honest in the good AND bad is where authentic relationships and community live.

thussss, I'm here to tell you something.

I'm homesick.

The anniversary of my sweet friend's death was last week.
My sister's birthday was Sunday.
I got a concussion two days ago and I feel terrible.
I want nothing more then to go home and let people take care of me.

I miss the trees, the ocean, the coffee, my dog, and a whole town full of houses belonging to people I love.

My heart and my head hurt.

I want to be home like everyone else during this fall-break weekend, instead of sleeping in a empty dorm.

But God shows up each morning.

He's in the physical things that remind me I am loved.

He's in caring professors that believe in me.

He's in warm cups of coffee.

He's in the dance studio at 11pm.

He's in tearful conversations with new friends.

He's in the people that love like Jesus- full of compassion, grace, and empathy.

He doesn't. Stop. Showing. Up.

So my prayer for you is that in the midst of whatever homesickness you face- homesick for a place, a relationship, or our eternal home- that you will find Jesus throughout your day.


  1. Amen. This was such a beautiful read. Its never easy to move away from people you love for whatever reason. I was homesick as well when I first started university and even now somedays, I just crave a hug from my mum and a good cry. But yes, you are loved. Yes, God is good. Yes, He will take care of you. I'll keep you in my prayers sis


  2. I am so sorry you're homesick and going through these things. But AAHH! Your message. Just YES. "God shows up each morning." I love that. It's so true. No matter what we're going through, no matter how lonely we are, we have that comfort knowing God is ALWAYS there.

    Thank you for this beautiful message. Saying a prayer for you, sweet girl. God's got you in His hands. <3

  3. THIS. It's beautiful!!!! Right now I'm working long hours at a job I never imagined getting. But I need the money and I work anyway, and everyday God never fails to show up and remind me, "I love you."
    I'm praying for you girl -- He's going to shine through these moments. XOXO

  4. Praying for you! I know that you'll adjust within time. God is so good. <3

  5. This is so freaking late, but I hope that you're doing okay, love <3
