I choose.

I feel my way through life.

Feel feel feel. 

And lately, it has felt like there are a lot of feelings in which I have no control over. 

But I'm choosing to keep feeling. 

I'm sad about a friend.

But I choose to feel happy about today's snow. 

I'm overwhelmed by my school work.

But I choose to be thankful for my short trip home over Thanksgiving break. 

I'm fighting a cold.

But I choose to feel proud about my growth as a dancer this semester. 

I choose to feel. 
I choose.
I choose. 

I choose to feel every positive emotion I possibly can, because in a world of hard emotions, it's hard to choose not too. 

dark colors

why must the dark colors get used.

why do we see him show up in the aftermath, but not the event.

if is God one-hundred percent good.

and black breaks his heart as much as it breaks ours.

why does God insist on using dark colors